"The aspirant, under the guidance of his teacher or
master - St. John designates this being as an Angel - enters a temple to undergo
many trials wherein his strength, will power and perseverance are tested to the
utmost. If the disciple is victorious, his reward comes as his spirit is bathed
in Elysian air and he is companioned by angelic beings of transcendent beauty
and slender."
C. Heline, "New Age Bible Interpretations, Vol. V."
The Elysian song is known as the the song of the Angels, the
celestial choir and sounds of the divine that may be heard when one is attuned
to them, usually in deep meditation or prayer.
Surely, by the definition of the above quotation, Elvis
Presley’s life was an initiation of the ‘Elysian Song.’ He underwent
"many trials wherein his strength, will power and perseverance" were
"tested to the utmost." As a child he was visited by Heavenly Beings
who showed him his destiny, and told him that they would be with him until he no
longer had need of them.
Elvis’ Aunt Lorene recalled a very young Elvis:
".... on one occasion when we missed him and finally he came down out of
the pasture and said he had been talking to Jesus. He had tears running down his
little cheeks."
Mary L. Jones was seventy-four when Wanda June Hill visited
her in 1979. Mrs. Jones held dear to her heart the memories of an Elvis no
journalist could have invented (as so many have tried). She is a simple woman,
with simple memories of a young boy, bared by poverty not of his making, struck
to the bone by the cruelty of a time and place far from his true spiritual home.
Mary lived next door to Elvis and his parents in Tupelo, Mississippi - next to
the same one room dwelling in which Elvis had been born and over which the
strange blue light shown on the night of Elvis’ birth, lighting his father's
way to the well. Later, she then moved into the same housing project as did
Elvis and his family when he was 13. Mary shared with Wanda her recollections of
Elvis as he was then, and also the tragedy in which he lived in that past time,
when Elvis Presley (the singer) was still only a dream from a Shaman’s pipe; a
faint song in a lonely boy’s heart.
Mary Jones sat in her rocking chair, spitting tobacco into a
nearby pint jar, as she unrolled the canvas of her memories, and painted a
tender yet graphic story for Wanda on that rainy day in 1979.
The following is Wanda Hill’s condensation of Mary Jones’
conversation with her:
"Mary knew Elvis from his birth....Elvis adored his mother, cried after her
and always obeyed her. He was very small, thin and sickly and he had fevers and
colds often, and very bad coughs every winter. Mary would worry about it, give
him medicine she had for her own kids and gave him hot drinks and food. Elvis
was so polite, often he wouldn’t take it or anything until he had asked his
When he was three he nearly died from fever, he was paralyzed
and couldn’t breathe and Gladys (Elvis’ mother) was beside herself. There
was no money for a doctor and Vernon (Elvis’ father) was out of town looking
for work. An old black woman took Elvis, wrapped him in hot towels and kept him
alive. She breathed into his lungs for him (artificial mouth to mouth
resuscitation) and then when his fever cooled she began putting him in tubs of
warm water, making him move his legs and arms and taught him to walk again.
Gladys was working in the cotton field and left Elvis with the black ladies who
watched the little kids. Elvis ran around all day naked, brown as the Negro
babies he played with while his mother worked. The black woman would put him in
the pot they had washed clothes in just before Gladys came in, then they dressed
him and he was spiffy for his momma come evening time. Elvis was the favorite of
the black women, they held him, played with him and cuddled him all day and he
got stronger and stronger and was happy that summer..."
(speaking about Elvis) "Mary said, ‘He was such a sweet
boy, so good hearted and kind and was especially nice to old people and kids and
needy people.’ Mary’s son was killed in Korea. Elvis had followed him about
and worshiped him as he grew up in Tupelo. When her son died, Elvis was a singer
and doing well. He heard about it and came to visit her. He brought her $500 in
cash and gave her a $400 check to buy her son a tombstone. He brought her a
bouquet of red roses, sat in her house and cried over her son, told her how much
he had thought of him and how he loved her and felt close to them all these
years. He said when he left that he thought she could use a new roof. The next
day roofers came, put one on, then painted her house and put down new carpet -
it was a two room house next door to Elvis’ old place in Tupelo."
(As a small boy) "Elvis used to sneak off from home to go
to a creek that had a small cove with still water and he went there to pray and
to talk to Jesus, he said. He also said he talked to the ‘angels’ on the
water and they sang to him. He told his mother when she came and caught him, and
she said he was evil, doing evil things and whipped him. She also spanked his
hands with a board once because he was ‘using devil sign language’ (hand
signals of some kind). Elvis was small, yet he didn’t cry even though she hit
his hands until they were bright red. He told her when she started crying, ‘It’s
okay Momma, you don’t understand, It’s okay.’ Then he cried too and hugged
her. Elvis also liked to sit in the moonlight and stare at the sky, but when
asked what he was doing he would say, ‘getting moon beams in my heart’ and
said he could hear music in the heavens - beautiful singing, angels on high. His
mother told him never to tell people because they would say he was evil, crazy,
and lock him up. And his grandmother said Gladys often washed his mouth with
soap when he did talk about hearing voices and seeing things. So Elvis learned
to keep quiet and only told a few who understood about people with ‘the gift’
as Mary called it. Elvis, she said, had ‘the gift’ and had it in abundance.
She told him to treasure it, that it was God talking to him. He hugged her and
said, ‘Thank you Mrs. Jones, I know.’ He’d say to her, ‘Some day, I’m
going to tell people all about God and they’ll listen to me! I’m going to
make them listen to me all over the world!’ and they did - he reached the
world with his singing gospel.
"Mary said that when Elvis was about twelve he was crying
and she asked him what was wrong. He said, ‘Mrs. Jones, I got nobody to talk
to and I need to so bad.’ She said to him. ‘Talk to your Momma’, and he
said , ‘Mrs. Jones, my momma don’t understand - I can’t explain - she just
gets upset and I can’t upset her with this. I got nobody and I’m scared that
no one will ever understand. Do you know, Mrs. Jones, what it is to be all alone
in a place that is not ever going to be your home? I am going to be there - and
I got nobody to understand.’ And he cried until he shook."
Elvis’ mother, Gladys Love Presley: "(as a child) Elvis
would hear us worrying about our debts, being out of work and sickness and so
on. He would say ‘Don’t you worry none. When I grow up, I’m going to buy
you a house and pay everything you owe at the grocery store, and get two
Cadillacs; one for you and Daddy and one for me.’ Little as he was, the way he’d
look up at me, holding onto my skirt...you know, I’d believe him."
In a January, 1978 interview with ‘Good Housekeeping’
magazine, Elvis' father, Vernon Presley spoke of his son, and the insight he had
concerning him:
"I believe Elvis’ career and contribution to the world were fated from
the first. For during his early life, certain things happened which convinced me
that God had given my wife and me a very special child for whom he had very
special plans.
"Gladys and I were so proud of Elvis and enjoyed him so
much that we immediately wanted more children. But, for reasons no doctor could
understand, we had none....When Elvis was about 10 years old, the reason was
revealed very clearly to me in a way I can’t explain. I can only say that God
spoke to my heart and told me that Elvis was the only child we’d ever have and
the only child we’d ever need. Elvis was a special gift who would fill our
lives completely.
"As soon as I realized that Elvis was meant to be an only
child, I felt as though a burden was lifted. I never again wondered why we didn’t
have additional sons and daughters."
During his son’s life, Vernon had difficulty accepting Elvis’
metaphysical beliefs, and yet, after Elvis’ death, he came to acknowledge what
he had really known all along, what had been whispered into his inner mind,
about this "very special child."
Ted Harrison, from ‘Elvis People The Cult of the King’:
"He believed in UFOs and read voraciously the esoteric theories which
referred back to Atlantis, a brotherhood of masters, and visitors from Venus...A
poem by a London fan entitled ‘Message from Elvis’ talks of ‘our friends
the Milky Way, mysterious in the sky’ and ends:
I know those years on earth
were really just a trial
for each to find a mate
of their eternal style.
For death is not goodbye
for we shall meet again
to share eternal youth
on some Nebula plain.
Larry Geller, in his book, ‘If I Can Dream’:
"Elvis believed that he was working under the aegis of these masters (the
White Brotherhood), including Jesus. He felt somehow connected to them and
thought that they had helped him....In Elvis’ mind, his life was being
directed divinely by the brotherhood of masters and illuminated beings,
enlightened entities that have existed since time immemorial."
The following was transcribed from a telephone conversation
between Wanda Hill and Elvis in 1973:
Wanda: You look like your father’s side of the family - and your mother’s
also - they are all nice looking people.
Elvis: Yeah - you know, I look like my people. We all look
pretty much the same, straight nose and all, and we are blonde. I don’t like
being blonde - I wanted to be different. It fits this incarnation - fits what I
am here on Earth - to be dark, I mean.
Wanda: You mean, your former life? Your eh-what did you call
it ?
Elvis: My former entity - my home out there - where I am from.
Wanda: How did, I mean, when did you figure out that you are
from out there, as you say?
Elvis: When I was about ten they told me.
Wanda: Who?
Elvis: The two men who talked to me - have talked to me since
I was five when they first presented themselves to me and said, "I am that
I am and you are you - we will be with you, as your Lord is with you until you
have no need of us again." And they showed themselves to me - as Light
forms, and one of them touched me and I felt Light inside me - floating sort of.
And the other one said when he put his hands on my head. "You are now and
you will be for all time." I didn’t understand then - I was scared, but
they said not to be and told me to speak of it to no one. But I told my mother
and (he laughs) she washed my mouth out with soap and spanked me for making up
things and lying. So I never told her anymore about them.
Wanda: How often did they talk to you? Just when you were
Elvis: At night - when I was alone and sometimes when I was in
the - the closet.
Wanda: The closet?
Elvis: Yeah - hiding or - or being punished or something - you
Wanda: So you heard voices - what did they tell you to do?
Elvis: Nothing - just to listen. They played music for me,
showed me things - instruments like in sounds, and they told me about my home
and who I used to be and still am - and that I would-would-would be a great
person in this life - and they showed me a guy dancing, kind of, on stage under
lights dressed in-in white, with colors all around, and they said-said to learn.
I didn’t know what he was doing - the man, you know, but then I later saw
karate and I knew immediately then - it was me - they had showed me the future.
Wanda: What else - what did they tell you about?
Elvis: Oh, many, many things. Most of it too far over my head
- I was just little...but it made a deep impression. I had dreams - dreams about
being on stage and singing - but I didn’t realize it was me - it was like I
was seeing a silent movie. And...
Wanda: You mean no sound? No music?
Elvis: No-no at first none, then they talked to me, told me to
listen hard - in a quiet place to listen. And so I got so I listened to
everything - music especially. I loved the way-way it made me feel inside -
so-so good. I don’t know the words to-to ever tell anyone about it. It is like
unto a great sense of-of soaring, of freedom and a-a rushing of my-my emotions
through something that-that sort of (is) like being cleansed. I can’t tell you
- it’s a feeling. But I can tell you it is the best feeling I have ever had
that was mine alone, a personal feeling not shared with another...not like sex -
I’m not talking about that kind of emotional feeling; though I would liken it
to that in intensity. But it is better - better!
....it’s divine, celestial, Godly, I don’t know the words.
Sometimes I feel so stupid - they are right there, and I don’t know them! In
fact, the English language is so-so lacking in expression, all of them
(languages) are as a matter of fact. It’s - this is silly, I know, but
sometimes I feel like I could talk, speak, whatever, in some other tongue, but I
am not sure what it is. You know? It’s like, I know it, but I don’t
consciously know it or something. Like maybe, I used to, but have forgotten.
Wanda: Did the men who talked to you speak it?
Elvis: I-I---don’t---know. Maybe they did and I heard it in
English? Hell, I don’t know.
From the magazine ‘T.V. Movies Screen’ 1972 interview with
a young woman, who is describing her visit with Elvis:
"He stopped every few moments as if he were in a daydream. Sometimes he
spoke so softly that I could not hear him. It almost seemed as if he were
praying or chanting instead of talking to me. I left the room and when I
returned he was still in the chair. He seemed to be in deep thought. Some of his
words seemed to be in a language other than English, I didn’t recognize the
other language. I tapped Elvis. He moved quickly which startled me. ‘I’m
sorry’ is all he said as we walked into the next room."
To continue with the same conversation from 1973:
Wanda: When did you start hearing music? Were you on stage in dream then?
Elvis: Oh yeah - it was-it came slowly. Simple at first, then
I began, as I listened to the radio and such, to hear more and to put my own
ideas together, and I wanted so to have a piano or something - Momma taught me
at church and I loved that. So they got me a guitar - it helped, but I heard
more complicated things.
Wanda: How old were you?
Elvis: Six or so - yeah, six. Funny, now it all makes sense. I
wish they’d talk to me now...
Wanda: They don’t?
Elvis: No - not much - it’s not like it was - kinda hard to
hear them now - so much is in my head - you know - the music, the noises of the
crowd. I can’t hardly hear them for it - I can’t-can’t shut off the noise
Wanda: Who else knows about your voices?
Elvis: Oh, Charlie - some of the guys - they think I’m crazy
though - they-they don’t understand - it’s way over their heads. They think
I’m talking to ghosts or something-they don’t-don’t have any grasp of it.
But that’s okay - I don’t need them to understand anyway.
Wanda: You know, you are pretty weird - but I want you to know
that it does not seem strange to me, only curious. I’ve heard voices, seen
some strange things and so you seem pretty normal to me.
Elvis: (laughs) The weird talkin’ to the strange, huh?
Wanda Hill described to me two photographs of a young Elvis
that were shown to her by Mary Jones:
"...he was so pathetic looking - so thin, sad-eyed and woeful in all but
one. In it he had caught a big fish and he was grinning and his eyes were
shining as he held it up so proudly. Vernon stood beside him, so young! He was
really slouchy-poor looking. Elvis was standing with his fish, wearing shoes
that looked so old - one foot turned on the side as if they hurt his feet and
his pants were patched on the knees. His shirt was too big and his hair too
short and he had on a hat that was too big, too. But he had the happiest smile
and eyes - one of the few pictures of him young that looked happy."
"She had another of Elvis and her son. Elvis was little,
looking up at him adoringly and the young man was giving Elvis a toy pistol
which Elvis wore in a holster and belt that was about to fall off his little
hips. He was barefoot but there were patches of snow on the ground. The bigger
boy had a coat - Elvis had none and was bareheaded. Their old car, a Zephyr
Lincoln, sat in the background with a flat tire on the front. It had snow on the
window and hood."
Elvis to Wanda: "Sometimes when it's late and I can't get
to sleep, or else I've woke up early 'n' everyone's quiet, I lie here thinkin'
about before-before now. It's kinda scary considering, I mean, I wasn't anyone
special, just a poor white trash kid with nothin' goin' for him ‘n’ not much
better ahead either. I mean, I wasn't smart! I'm still pretty stupid in many
ways. I’m not a brain, hell, I damn near failed in school. It's a wonder I
graduated - they took pity on me! I was already a year older and behind a grade
so-so they passed me on. It sure as hell wasn't 'cause I was smart or anything.
And then, what was I doin'? goin' to 'lectricians school, studyin' to repair
appliances and such, 'n deliverin' stuff for a hardware. Man, a real definitive
goal in mind! But you know, I dreamed. I dreamed of doin' something big. I wasn’t
sure what - then too, I wanted to sing, get in a gospel group, or somethin', I
really did. I spent every minute in music. I went to every singing I heard about
and could reach. I listened to the radio - Momma said, "Son, you're gonna
have to grow yourself some more ears the way you're listening so hard." She
was right. I tried to hear everything - not miss a show. And the - there was
the-the feelings I had. I wanted so much to do something big, to have things for
us and for the family. It hurt me so to see how some of 'em lived. We were so
much better off, even though we didn't have much either. We were living like
kings in comparison. Really hard to picture - huh? But it's so. Some of my
relatives were farmers - most of 'em, really. Sharecroppers and such. You don't
get rich farmin' somebody else's fields - not then, not in those times, I mean.
My family didn't 'n I don't recall anyone else doin' so either. Back then, to
me, doin' well consisted of havin' a roof over my head -that didn't leak! Food
on the table three times a day, a car that would run 'n cash enough left over
for gasoline 'n maybe a movie on Saturday night. To me, in those, days, wealth
meant havin' money left after all that!
It's funny, I've never forgotten those days, the feelings and
wants from those times. I hope that I never will. It keeps my feet on the ground
'n my head out of the clouds. Because when people forget where they came from
they also start thinkin' too much of themselves and that's when the trouble
begins. You never get so high and mighty, full of self but what you can't get
knocked down. It's better to keep a level head about it in the first place.
I've been doing this (performing) since I was nineteen you
know, 'n it's been a trip. Man, it's been something!....I wouldn't trade this
life for anybody's existence. No one I know man, equals my life. I'd do it all
again - there are a few little things I'd do differently, but mostly, I'd do it
just the same. (pause...takes a deep breath) Damn, I'm a fool - huh? (laughs,
then becomes serious) It was worth it all, every tear, every heartbreak, every
fear. It was worth it all."
In 1970 Elvis was chosen by the National Jaycees Association
as one of the ten men in the U.S. whom it considered to be the most outstanding
in their field of endeavor for that year. This function was held in Memphis,
Tennessee, in order for Elvis to be able to attend. He was awarded for his
outstanding contributions to the humanities. A visibly shaken Elvis approached
the podium with tears glistening from his eyes. He spoke to the assembly:
"I’ve always been a dreamer. (As a child) I read comic
books, and I was the hero of the comic books. I saw movies, and I was the hero
of the movies. So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times.
And these gentlemen over here (gesturing to the nine other men chosen by the
Jaycees), most of these type people who care, who are dedicated - do you realize
that it is not impossible that they might be building the Kingdom of Heaven? It
is not too far fetched from reality. I learned very early in life, that without
a song, the day would never end. Without a song, then you don’t have a friend.
Without a song....So I just keep singing a song. Thank you very much."
And so Elvis lived the path of the spiritual initiate, as
witnessed by the many hardships he endured from a very young age without
complaint, and consequently was graced at key moments in his life with direct
experience of the Angels, and their Elysian song, which he in turn sang to the
From the song ‘The Impossible Dream’ as sung by Elvis
"I know if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
that my heart will lye peaceful and calm when I’m laid to my rest.
"And the world will be better for this, that one man,
scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to
reach the unreachable star."