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"Power of Earth, combining bird and
serpent as matter and spirit, breath of life,
supernatural power, magic, strength, wisdom, knowledge,
"In the lore of the British Isles, the most prominent dragon
is, of course, the mythic king Arthur Pendragon. In Chinese
cosmology, there are four Ao, or Dragon Kings (Qin, Kuang, Jun
and Xun), each with his own elemental domain. In Korean legend,
virtuous serpents eventually become dragons when rising into
heaven, ascending a rainbow. "

"The peacock's feather in all ages has been
considered as a sign of beauty and knowledge; beauty because it is
beautiful, knowledge because it is in the form of an eye. It is by keen
observation that man acquires knowledge."
"The Peacock's tail stands apart in the five
stages and represents entering into the inner experience of the astral
world, transformation and the purification."
"The peacock is a protective and powerful bird.
Much mystery and mysticism surround this magnificent creature. This
special animal touches many cultures, from the Native American to the
Egyptians, Hindus, Greek Mythology, and even Christianity.
To the Native Americans, the peacock most closely describes the phoenix
- the bird who dies in the fires of life and is ressurrected from its
own flames and ashes - and thus is related to immortality. It is also
seen as a symbol of fertility and potency. Due to the many eyes in its
feathers, it is also associated with wisdom, visions, and heightened
The Egyptians seem to have the most correlations for the peacock. It was
linked to the worship of the sun god, Amon-Ra, held sacred (second only
to the ibis) for its ability to destroy poisonous snakes, and associated
with the all seeing eye of Horus.
For the Hindus, it was associated with hindra, the god of thunder who
transformed into a peacock to escape the demon Ravana, thus being
endowed with 100 eyes.
In Greek Mythology, the goddess Hera found the watchman, Argus, sleeping
on duty. When he was killed, Hera placed his eyes on the peacock - her
favorite bird.
Even in Christianity, the peacock is used to symbolize the death and
resurrection of Jesus."
Robes of Light -The Costumes
Elvis’ clothes were so drab and un-glorified, when hanging on a hanger
the material was even ugly! But when he put them on - WOW! And when he
walked on stage, my gosh - his clothes even took on a radiance, ‘glory’,
as he called it - he shone head to toe and it was not just the lighting!
It was from inside him.
He liked the prehistoric birds as he called
them-they were the Egyptian symbols for "life" and used in the tombs
where royalty was buried and they had the "honor" of looking after them
and protecting them from harm etc; he said and that they "carried their
spirits up to the sun God whom they worshipped" but he said the Sun God
was actually the infinite all mighty wisdom and power of the Father of
the Universe...known as our Lord and God the Father. Those suits were so
beautifully detailed-all of them were but it seemed that the ones he
wore in 76,77 were the most meaningful as far as spiritual messages go
of any he wore. Especially so, the Sun Dial Suit that was the last one
he specifically wanted done-it took a year to do nearly, and there was
another that was in the works but never got to the decorating stage.
It's too bad that the sketches he made for it were not displayed -at
least not when we were at Graceland in 80. There were some drawings
there...but they did not depict the last suit and I can't recall what he
called it or what it was to have on it and it was not taped...so no
transcripts either. It was very, very spiritual and came from the
Bible-that's all I can recall now...he hadn't quite got everything in
that he was trying for-but they were going to be royal blue and white
and was going to have lots of colorful jewels and rhinestones and
religious symbols from several different cultures all of them to send a
message to those who saw them-especially those receptive to the
message-he said. And that he was the "light bearer"...what that meant, I
do not have a clue now. - Wanda June Hill
One image of Elvis himself in performance was of
the great high priest. His highly decorated costumes bore many
similarities to the vestments of the priest presiding at the Catholic
mass. Had he been standing behind an altar, his high collars and the
spectacular designs on his white jumpsuits could have been mistaken for
the garb of a priest celebrating the eucharist. He was announced on
stage by the music of Richard Strauss which was composed to stimulate in
the imagination of the listener the awe and majesty of the ancient
middle-eastern Zoroastrian priesthood....In Exodus Chapter 28, the Bible
tells of the founding of the old Jewish priesthood by Moses: ‘Tell all
the craftsmen whom I have endowed with skill to make the vestments for
the consecration of Aaron as my priest....using gold, purple, and
scarlet yarn; and fine linen....two chains of pure gold formed into
ropes.’ - Ted Harrison from Elvis People - The Cult of the King
Some of Elvis’ most impressive and intricately
designed suits were: his peacock suit, with varying shades of blue, the
jeweled, feathered design trailing down his pants legs; a fabulous tiger
inspired by his martial arts philosophy, and the fiery oriental dragon,
which also came from the symbology attached to the ancient spiritual
concepts embodied in martial arts. One of his suits displayed a modified
rainbow in shades of blue; another, the entire Aztec calendar in gold
upon the front and back of the suit. There was also his American Indian
jumpsuit, and one with the symbols of East India upon it. - Ed Parker
from Inside Elvis
Symbolic interpretations of some
of the more esoteric images on Elvis' jumpsuits:

EAGLEThe royal bird of prey, flies
nearest to the sun and has keen vision. Abides in lofty, remote eyrie,
descends to earth, catches quadrupeds and ascends to the greatest height
of all birds.
Macrocosmically - The highest spiritual principle in Creation, the
threefold Deific Principle which observes all. The kingly aspect of the
Microcosmically - The triple, kingly Ego able to contact the Monad (the
sun), able also to descend into the personality (a quaternary or
'quadruped'), seize its consciousness and elevate it near to the Monad,
the sun. The eagle is the most swift, strong, laborious, generous and
noble of all birds.
SpiritEagle flies fearlessly, bridging heaven and earth, and
teaches us to courageously face our fear of the unknown in order to fly
as high as our heart's joy can take us.
The Latin name aquila for an eagle points to Ugro-Finnish origins. The
Hungarian kvil is light; kivilagit is to illuminate. Greek aigle is a
ray. Greek aetos, eagle, resembles Hebrew ayit, bird of prey. The Norse
orn, eagle, lived on top of the world tree Yggdrasil. A squirrel, named
Ratatosk, carried messages between the eagle and the snake at the foot
of the tree.
Sculptured eagles were used as lightning conductors on buildings,
as at Delphi.
Hebrew azniya is a kind of eagle. Reversed, this becomes ayin za. Ayin
is an eye. The falcon was the lightning symbol of the Egyptians, and was
associated with Horus.
The object appearing in Egyptian art and hieroglyphics and called the
utchat, or udjat, was the eye of Horus or of Ra.
The osprey, a bird of prey like the eagle, was in Latin sanqualis. As
with the eagle, the Romans watched its flight. The name may incorporate
sankh; the radiation of the god was thought to give life.
The eagle was the chief of the birds symbolizing the lightning god in
the sky.

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