"Greek, Roman, and Celtic
mythology all employ owls as representatives of spiritual
influence. Hinduism also uses the owl as a symbol of cosmic
(called the "Prehistoric Bird" suit) Elvis chose the Egyptian vultures as evidenced on the tombs of pharaohs. The vultures were..."sacred to Nekhbet, goddess of Upper Egypt
and Mut, mother goddess. The vulture often holds the shn symbol of
eternity in its talons, offering eternal protection to the pharaoh.
As such, the vulture is closely linked to rulership."
"The phoenix bird symbolizes immortality, resurrection and life after death. In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, it is associated with the sun god. According to the Greeks, the bird lives in Arabia, near a cool well. Every morning at dawn, the sun god would stop his chariot to listen to the bird sing a beautiful song while it bathed in the well. Only one phoenix exists at a time. When the bird felt its death was near, every 500 to 1,461 years, it would build a nest of aromatic wood and set it on fire. The bird then was consumed by the flames. A new phoenix sprang forth from the pyre. It embalmed the
ashes of its predecessor in an egg of myrrh and flew with it to
Heliopolis, "city of the sun," where the egg was deposited on the
altar of the sun god. In Egypt, it was usually depicted as a heron,
but in the classic literature as a peacock or an eagle." "In the legends of native North Americans, the thunderbird is a powerful spirit in the form of a bird. Lightning flashes from its beak, and the beating of its wings is creates the thunder. It is often portrayed with an extra head on its abdomen. The majestic thunderbird is often accompanied by lesser bird spirits, frequently in the form of eagles or falcons. Thunderbird was used as an allegory, that is he was used as an
attempt to allegorize certain forces of nature in the natural order
such as wind, thunder, lightning, etc.