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(from the unpublished manuscript, Blue Star Love - From
Elvis' Heart to Yours by Maia Nartoomid with additional work by Simeon Nartoomid
and major contributions of Elvis telephone transcripts and personal memories by
Wanda June Hill)
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printable pdf of this article
Elvis strongly believed in numerology, the science of numbers. He recognized the
unity of the universe, mapped in an interlacing pattern of Light, Form, Space
and Dimension. The transformative power of this pattern is to be found in the
vibration of numbers - a revelation of the life force within our Earth and our
life potential. The following is a condensation of the basic numerology of Elvis
Aaron Presley, using the interpretations given in the book ‘Numerology and the
Divine Triangle,’ by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker. Since the full name of the
individual at birth is to be considered most accurate in containing the
vibration of the personality and potential of that person, I come to a difficult
passage, as although it is purported that on Elvis’ birth certificate, his
middle name is spelled Aaron, he wrote his name as Aron. It was not until
shortly before his death that he requested ‘Aaron’ be put upon his tombstone,
and it was. Thus, I feel that both versions of the spelling of his middle name
should be regarded as numerlogically significant for Elvis A. Presley.
Before going into the numerology lets take a brief etymological look at his
name. The unusual name Elvis may be derived from the ancient Norse Alvis, which
means 'all wise'. In Norse mythology, Alvis was in love with the daughter of the
god Thor. Another possible historical source is the Teutonic Elwin, Alwyn, or
Elvin meaning 'famous, noble or godly friend'. From another mythological
reference it is said to mean ‘friend of the elves. The Biblical Aaron was the older brother of Moses. In Egypt, he was the head of
the priesthood and spokesman for his people. Aron is the Hebraic form and may
mean 'teaching', 'singing', or 'mountain', based on various old Hebrew words. In
Arabic, it would mean 'messenger'.
Presley is a modern form of the English last name Priestly,
meaning a person who lives near the priest's land or woods. With this in mind
lets look at he numerology.
In 'Numerology and the Divine Triangle' the numerics of one’s personal make-up
are divided into four parts: the Life Lesson number, Soul and Outer Personality
numbers and the Path of Destiny number. Together, they form a picture of the
individual's entire personality.
Elvis’ Life Lesson number was nine: This is the number of universal love of
humanity and patience, “someone who is kind and understanding and at the peak of
life’s expression, who must turn and show others the way.” They are well suited
for marriage, being strong in passions and compassions. Acquiring money and
wealth comes easily for a nine. They are not petty individuals and can deal in
broader concepts, usually attaining success despite great difficulties. They
very well may become an orator, writer, communicator or statesman, and
leadership positions are quite suitable for a nine. Among other likely careers
listed for this number are explorer, magician, narcotics agent, scientist,
preacher, doctor, and surgeon. There are also career possibilities for nines as
artists, musicians, lawyers and spiritual healers. It is interesting to note
here that Elvis had very much wanted to be a doctor. He bought an entire medical
library and studied it extensively. A friend of Elvis’ who was a mortician
allowed him to watch and study embalming procedures, because of Elvis’ acute
interest in the medical structure of the human body.
Elvis was also a ‘narcotics agent’ of sorts. President Nixon assigned to Elvis a
special narcotics agent badge in 1970 when Elvis wanted to be of service in
fighting drug abuse. He was also certainly a musician, and a spiritual healer as
To go into a further delineation of Elvis’ nine, as reduced from twenty-seven.
In numerology each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number. These numbers
are then added up. A key difference in the adding of these numbers from the
usual mathematical methods of addition are that for example, 27 is equal to a
nine via 2+7 = 9. So if the person's first name was 27, and their last name were
41, then through this method we would reduce the 27 to 9, and the 41 to 5 and
have 9+5 = 14, which then would be reduced further to 5. The number from which
the final result was deduced from also has significance in numerology: 9 is a
number of “great spiritual strength.... just and wise....these persons have a
fertile, creative mind and a love of beauty and art. Civilizations are built
upon the stuff of which you are made....All business enterprises will succeed
beyond expectation....Your influence over others, coupled with an ability to
lead, bring you wealth and comfort.”
As Aron, Elvis’ soul number was eleven: Eleven is a ‘master number’, meaning
that it places more demand on the individual, as it is more open for expression
of the soul. A person will fluctuate between the master number and its base
digit (the base digit for 11 would be 1+1=2, or 2), as it is difficult for an
individual to maintain the intensity of a master number. I feel Elvis lived his
eleven most of time, and that he chose Aron which gave him this number (whether
consciously or unconsciously) to put himself into circumstances requiring
greater mastery over self and therefore oneness with his soul's mission. Perhaps
this is partly the reason he wished to become ‘Aaron’ again before his death,
which would reinstitute the soul number of 39/3, 3+9=12, then 1+2=3) allowing
for more of a personal self, something he had not experienced much of in his
Eleven as a Soul number from 'Numerology and the Divine Triangle': One who has
been on a spiritual path for a long time, learning the mysteries of life and
death. A person with “courage, talent and leadership abilities....understanding,
and often clairvoyant, with extremely sensitive ESP abilities and strong
spiritual learnings.”
Three as the Soul number for ‘Aron’: Someone whose philosophy in life is the
knowledge “that inspiration and imagination will bring the best results when
used to help others.” Love is important to a three.
The further delineation of the soul number 39/3: Selection of a life of service
to others. “You offer love and sympathy in order to help make the world a better
place in which to live. You are a crusader who wants to feel that the world has
benefited because of your sojourn in it... surrounded by friends and loved ones.
The love you give is returned abundantly, which fills your cup even fuller,
until the love must overspill into the lives of those who are in need...You will
communicate this love to all you contact.”
Since the vibration of Aaron as 39/3 so exemplifies Elvis’ personality and
loving, giving nature, it can be seen that he truly radiated this soul
expression as well as the more intensely charged master number eleven.
Elvis’ Outer Personality number was a Six: One who emanates “a protective
vibration and has a sense of responsibility for others.” A personage who draws
others to him for counseling, teaching, and healing. An individual with a keen
sense of balance who sees all the pieces as “separate and yet parts of the
The further delineation of Elvis’ Outer Personality, 42/6: “Complete dedication
to peace and understanding” would lend to this individual’s role as a minister
“...would be a fine singer...strong, leaning toward the mystical. You see beauty
everywhere and should express it in a tangible way for others to enjoy. Your
personal charm and pleasure-loving, generous nature draws others to you. You
intuitively realize their needs and work to create a happy atmosphere wherever
you are. You need the sociability of friends and would not be happy living
alone. You believe in doing the right thing, sharing equally in all
relationships and binding contracts.”
Elvis’ Path of Destiny number using Aron to determine it was an Eight: Someone
with magnificent courage, who will attain his goals solely through his own
efforts. “Recognition, success and wealth are your proper destiny.”
The further delineation of 80/8: The book ‘Numerology and The Divine Triangle,’
from which the material in this chapter was compiled, does not go beyond 78/6,
as it paces The Tarot. However, one would assume that the doubling of the eight
would increase the productive power which imbues eight with the title of the
‘power number’.
The influence of the ‘Aaron’ name was a force present in Elvis’ life through his
Path of Destiny number as well. Using Aaron to determine the number we come up
with an 81/9. Nine as a Path of Destiny number: Perfection is your goal, but it
is not often attainable. The mission this soul has embarked upon is a charitable
one. They meet many tests and setbacks, “but the lesson of forgiveness will
bring temperance to those situations.” These persons strive to follow the
pattern of an ideal life, inspiring others to do the same. “You desire to better
the world through philosophy and philanthropy and become impatient when results
come too slowly....you will meet many famous people in your lifetime who will be
impressed by the breadth of your thinking. You should not to cling to old
associations. When you have fulfilled your role with an individual, you must
move on. You cannot be limited to a small circle of friends. Your broad
philosophy must touch and enlighten the lives of many.” Another great Path of
Destiny nine was the cowboy philosopher, Will Rogers.
It is interesting that personally Elvis was unable to break from the “small
circle of friends” other than through his phone friends, but that through his
music he was able to fully accomplish the complete fulfillment his destiny
In summary, my sources say that Elvis was definitely a combination of ‘Aron’ and
‘Aaron’ - that these two names together formulated his special ability to
encompass the spiritual and emotional needs of so many millions of people.
Elvis’ Numerology excerpted from a reading by John Davis of the Coptic
Fellowship International (as transcribed from a tape recording) was determined from a different format,
yet reveals much the same in conclusion:
"The ‘Elvis’ motivation is the number of the Cosmic Christ, which is number 14.
Mental and emotional nature; he comes from a very high state of consciousness.
"The name ‘Presley’ is a spiritual lineage which means that in past lives he had
some times as a priest...a variety of religions and philosophies, was an
independent leader.
"His motivation was 40, which is that whole symbol of the forty lashes...when
Jesus was lashed, he was lashed 39 times, for if he was lashed 40 times, it
would represent that Christ energy, and they didn’t want to acknowledge him as
that...(Elvis had) a pure essence of 40 which is very rare. "His personality was a 13, which is the most powerful number in numerology, the
power to manifest. The 13th octave is the highest form of the first level and
also forms the foundation for the second level; so 3/13 is really a Christ
Consciousness number.
"His expression was 8...which is the number of resurrection and rebirth. He was
born on the 8th.
Life Path: 7 is the number of the mystic, it is the inner quest, the quest for
the Grail. He had no challenge to this. At age 28 it really triggered into the
Grail Quest.
"42 (the age when he died), is the most powerful number on the Earth plane,
that’s why Revelations talks about “each shall rule for 42 months.” Its not a
time period, its a vibration of the Davidic Covenant with God...so it (42) is a
‘knighting’ or ‘anointing’.
"He has 18 energies...which is the number of altruism, giving with no thought of
return, of giving other people power without asking anything in return...I think
this is why he had the revelations and the dreams that he had...the dream with
the Sphinx, the robe and the blood...it was symbolic of a life of sacrifice -
‘The Pearl of Great Price’, and of course his destiny is nine also (1+8), which
means this contract of selfless service is something that he had ever since he
was born.
'Astrology' by Elvis Presley
"It is designed so as to expose the ultimate in height and depth. To
relate the strength and weaknesses of those who are willing to accept and are
seeking a closer relationship with the divine. In order to recognize and correct
one’s faults and be in step. To be capable of understanding the necessity of the
changing times. To participate, to create, to express, appreciate, and to more
fully understand his individual role in reaching the divine God. For man to more
fully understand and to determine his own destiny. The realization that divine
God is life itself. Upon being able to accept one’s faults and weaknesses. To
correct them in order to have a better understanding and to be capable of giving
love and help to other human beings regardless of color or creed. To appreciate
all people. The breaking down of barriers and recognizing individual traits. To
be sincere in having the desire to show gratitude and appreciation for that
which each individual has given to the world. You create a better understanding
for yourself of life and the part you yourself and others play in this world.
You are soon recognizing a brighter light within yourself. The sharing of that
light with others and feeling the importance of stressing and / or distributing
the love and will of God. For Christ, who gave life and hope and faith to the
millions of people who have accepted His sacrifice and Ray of Life. He taught
the love of God and the importance of expressing gratitude and respect for the
greatest miracle of all - life itself!"
It was my feeling that some of Elvis’ astrology information should be included
in this book - especially since all previous charts done on him have been
computed with his twin brother Jesse’s birth time, and not Elvis’, who was born
several minutes after Jesse. Therefore, based on the birth time Elvis gave Wanda
Hill as the actual moment of his birth, I sent for a computerized natal chart
and mini-analysis, from Harriet I. Matysko, in Brooklyn, N.Y. When sending for
this reading, I did not give Elvis’ name, but identified the natal information
as “deceased male, born 1/8/35.” When I received the natal material on Elvis
from Ms. Matysko, she enclosed a personal note to me which read in part:
“The departed male had a beautiful chart - a glorious blend of fire, earth and
water. What a strong and virile, yet gentle soul he must have been. It’s sad
that someone so young, so good-looking both from the outside as well as the
inside should be taken, when there are those far less worthy roaming this
When I wrote to Ms. Matysko, informing her that the ‘deceased male’ was Elvis
Presley, she replied in a letter to me:
“When I gave you the interpretation for the deceased male 1/8/35, I had no idea
who it was. What I saw and reported to you was the majestical splendor which
emanated from the chart...I was saddened to know that the beautiful chart was of
a being who no longer spread his graces on this earth.”
The Astrology of Elvis Aaron Presley by Ms. Matysko
"Born, January 8, 1935 at 4:17 AM \\ Place of Birth, Tupelo, Miss. Rising Sign:
8.33 degrees in Sagittarius \\ Sun: 17.13 Degrees in Capricorn \\ Moon: 1.50
Degrees in Pisces \\ Mercury: 22.17 Degrees in Capricorn \\ Venus: 29.21 Degrees
in Capricorn \\ Mars: 12.48 Degrees in Libra \\ Jupiter: 18.01 Degrees in
Scorpio \\ Saturn: 25.39 Degrees in Aquarius \\ Uranus: 27.28 Degrees in Aries
\\ Neptune: 14.27 Degrees in Virgo retrograde \\ Pluto: 25.04 Degrees in Cancer
retrograde \\ N. Node: 1.07 Degrees in Aquarius
“Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is really the executive branch
of the zodiac. "You’re the boss! The Saturn influence will make you an achiever.
You will be aspiring, responsible, controlled, practical, patient and just.
“With the Moon in Pisces your inner feelings and thoughts are expressed in a
manner sympathetic, voluble, kindly and extremely receptive to the influence of
others....The Pisces Moon makes you feel emotional, intuitional, artistic and
often psychic...you make a very good friend and confident....Your emotions can
sometimes fluctuate from the ultimate height of happiness down to the depths of
despair. However, the strength and stability of the Capricorn Sun is a saving
device for you, and your Sagittarius Ascendant blends well with your Pisces Moon
to give you a harmonious balance. This gives you the combination of strength,
magnetism, with a blending of a sympathetic nature, making you an exceptional
“Your Pisces Moon is in the 3rd house of communications, giving you a strong
flair and feelings for communications. You are an effective communicator with
the public in written and verbal form. You no doubt can write poetry and tender,
sensitive writings. The 3rd house Moon would also give you strong feelings for
sisters, brothers and nearby relatives.”
According to ‘The
Medicine Wheel,’ by Sun Bear and Wabun. (this book is an
American Indian version of one’s natal integrations with the earth), Elvis’
natal / Earth information reveals that he was born under the Earth Renewal Moon:
"...the first moon of the year, have the
snow goose as their totem in the animal kingdom, the birch tree as their totem
in the plant kingdom and the quartz as their totem in the mineral kingdom. Their
color is white, and they are of the Turtle elemental clan. They were born
between December 22 and January 19."
In 1972, Wanda Hill attended a Psychic Fair. She could not resist taking along a
photograph of Elvis, sealed in an envelope. Without giving any hint as the
identity of the individual whose picture was enclosed, she handed the envelope,
which could not be seen through, to a psychic reader at the Fair. The following
is part of this gentlemen’s reading:
“This is a male - tall, considered above average in appearance or build - some
fashion. He is fun-loving, at present his life is in turmoil. There is a
separating factor - someone he cared for is gone from his life - taken away by
another - I sense divorce. He is serious, a hard worker and takes things very
personally at times when he should not. He possibly is a service worker -
dealing with the public. I feel he has many followers - perhaps he teaches in
some manner - and he is spiritual, gifted in the way he reaches people. He is
well-known among many - a writer or communicator. He tries too hard to please. I
sense that he needs the approval of women to a great extent, and has often
compromised his own needs to attain this approval. It must be that he often
feels put upon to return affection he would rather not return in order to have
this approval. He is lonely and seeking someone - some thing - no - some person
to fill his heart - his life. I sense this man is in deep personal pain - a
broken heart perhaps - or dejection at being betrayed by one he trusted
implicitly. This man is also facing a change in his life. He will leave this
earth plane early in life and he knows it. The first letter of his name is ‘E’”
The Soul Purpose and Spiritual Goal of Elvis Through Esoteric Astrology As interpreted by Edward L. Nowak MsD B.S.
"Many of those who beheld Elvis Presley, saw him as ‘through a glass darkly’.
Yet in all his raiment, glamor and glory, few realized the power of the soul
that animated this unequaled and singularly complex being known as Elvis.
"In this lifetime, Elvis had the opportunity to ‘Prepare the Manger’ for the
coming of the Christ in his own life. Whether this would have manifested as a
‘born again’ experience, or a greater mental awakening, we will never know. If
this had happened, Elvis would have been seen as the revealer / teacher, almost
‘guru-like’ in his aura of power, of a distraught and wayward humanity. His
performances could have been the launching pad to bring a more definite and
focused message to the world. However, this was not to be.
In Esoteric Astrology, the tropical natal chart affects only the uninvolved and
average individual. When man begins to emerge out of the Great Illusion, the
Sidereal Zodiac affects him at a personality level.
"The Sidereal chart is the personality chart for the evolved soul. Thus the
Sidereal Ascendent indicates the soul purpose for this and the next several
lives. It is from this ascendent that the spiritual struggle is entered into. It
is then from the ascendent that we can describe the soul’s purpose, its
liberation, and how that purpose will activate.
"The ascendent is the indicator of the limits to which one will go in separating
themselves from the glamors and illusions of the world, before one turns within
and accepts the linkage and union with the rest of humanity.
"The sign of the ascendent is the force of the soul, and encapsulates the
possibilities for this incarnation and the possibilities for spiritual
evolution. "The Sidereal Zodiac is approximately 24 degrees behind the Tropical Zodiac.
Exoterically, the 12 planets in the 12 houses affects the physical plane
expression and the personality life. Esoterically, the 12 constellations help to
stimulate the soul, bringing about interior changes which transform the way one
"In the Sidereal chart of Elvis Presley, the ascendent is in Scorpio. It is here
that the intense power of Elvis was concentrated. The Scorpio ascendent is the
area of greatest temptation and testing as well as providing the greatest
opportunity for spiritual progress. Ruled by Mars esoterically, the soul life
also receives the energy of Pluto, but on a higher level. This combination not
only gave Elvis the drive and power for accomplishment, but also the ability to
survive crisis. From time to time Elvis was confronted with the weaknesses that
arose from his subconscious, and at the same time, given the opportunity to
destroy them. This Scorpio energy gave Elvis the ability to draw upon hidden
sources of power to attain his goals, and the magnetic power to attract the
masses in a way known only by the soul.
"The Soul Purpose as indicated in this particular chart, is shown by the Scorpio
Ascendent and the rest upon the 3 major tests of Scorpio; Reorientation to the
life of the soul, the readiness for initiation, and sensitivity to the Plan.
These are divided into 9 lesser tests of appetite, desire and will; Sex,
Comfort, Money, Fear, Hatred, Ambition, Pride, Separativness and Cruelty. It
would be difficult to determine which of these tests Elvis was subjected to at
any given time. It may be that he touched upon all of these or any combination.
Suffice it to say that here is exemplified the ‘Crises of the Battle field’ and
desire in its many forms must be consciously brought under control of the soul.
"Every latent pre-disposition, instinct, every unconquered situation and every
controlling fault must be tried, tested and overcome. When these are realized
and overcome, the result is the establishment of right relations with the soul
and the environment.
"Elvis’ purpose was to become the spiritual warrior, not only for the self, but
for others; To bring before the masses an image that would become not only an
enduring role model, but a teaching that would become a foundation for
inspirational living. Elvis showed how anyone could rise from their roots to
command power and success. The 9 tests of Scorpio can be spread over 9 lifetimes
before victory is attained.
"Archetypically, through the Scorpio energy, we find the comparison of the
symbolic struggle of the 8th Labor of Hercules and the life of Elvis to be
"Hercules was sent to battle the 9-headed hydra, symbolizing the 9 tests of the
personality life. But with each assault, the hydra grew stronger and for each
head that was severed, 2 grew in its place. Hercules was told by his teacher,
before going into battle that, 'We rise by kneeling, we conquer by surrendering,
and by relinquishing we gain.' Hercules was forced to his knees and from that
position of humility, lifted the serpent (accumulated evils) into the air (the
realm of the soul where the hydra could not live), cut off the Hydra’s immortal
head and buried it under a rock (will). Thus was Hercules delivered.
"Elvis, like Hercules, also had to realize 3 things; to recognize the existence
of the Hydra, search patiently for it, and finally destroy it. Elvis needed
discrimination to recognize its existence, patience to discover its lair, and
humility to bring the fragments of the subconscious to the surface and expose
them to the light of wisdom.
"It is possible that Elvis recognized the existence of the ‘hydra’ in his own
life, but he did not or could not destroy the many ‘heads’ that kept arising to
take the place of the ones he defeated.
"The fixed star, Alphard at 27 deg. Leo, is conjunct the Leo Mid-Heaven and the
Yod in Elvis’ chart. It is the main star of Alpha-Hydrae (water serpent hydra).
This indicates that Elvis had the ability to grow and rise to high places. But
he needed to be cautious and clear about what he knew in objective truth. He
endangered himself by letting knowledge and power unbalance him. The meaning
here is ‘One Who Stands Alone’. Although surrounded by the crowds and the
adulation, Elvis stood alone on a planet he could not call home.
"From a lecture by Alice A. Bailey. 'Aquila the Eagle is interchangeable with
Scorpio....Aquila the Eagle is the bird out of time and space and as Hercules
struggles with the hydra, he looks up, sees the eagle and is reminded that he
has come forth into incarnation and will fly back to whence he came.' "It is interesting to note that the constellation of 'Aquila The Eagle', is
comprised of 2 stars. Altair at 7 deg. Capricorn and Deneb Aquila at 26 deg.
Sagittarius. (These are Sidereal locations). Altair is conjunct the North Node
and Deneb Aquila is conjunct Vulcan and the Galactic Center. This reinforces the
difficulties that Elvis had in being unable to relate to the earth reality.
"Humanity witnessed Elvis from the level of the personality life, but the
personality rarely co-operates with the requirements of the soul. Thus was Elvis
misunderstood. There were times when Elvis, having the willingness and courage
to be the ‘knower’ , released the Eagle aspect of Scorpio. He would then become
the rescuer of what or who might otherwise be doomed. This gave him the ability
to stimulate others to fight back and transform themselves.
"The Scorpio ascendent is at 14 deg. 43 min. (15 deg.). 15 degrees of any fixed
sign is considered one of the 'Points Of Avatar'. These points suggest power
over the elements in one form or another or from one level or another. This
highly energized point represents the blending of knowledge from the higher
realms. It pulls the divergent energy from several areas and gives a more
precise unification, one that is more applicable to mankind. The power here must
be realized from within and used to become free. Elvis pulled in this divergent
energy and gave it form for the masses, but he could not free himself enough to
become master of that power.
From ‘An Astrological Mandala’ by Dane Rudhyar, the 15th degree of Scorpio
states, 'This is the early step in the development of a mind seeking to be
attuned to the higher level of human evolution. It may be deciphered if one
realizes that man’s essential destiny is to develop as a 5-fold being, or
5-pointed star. Number 5 symbolizes mind in its most creative and penetrating
aspect. Some individuals are born with a special potential for development of
the higher, creative mind, and in social circumstances favoring this
"Sidereally, the star Antares is located at the center of Scorpio at 15 deg. 52
min. This is one of the 4 Archangel Stars holding a prominent position in the
chart. Antares is also conjunct the ascendent, indicating the great storehouse
of energy that Elvis had to undertake ventures which others could or would not
attempt. It is the star that rules ‘great success in war’. A most interesting
placement, considering the opportunity for Elvis to enter the ‘battlefield of
life’ through the Mars ruled energy of the Scorpio ascendent and the soul
"The fixed star Regulus (the 2nd Archangel Star in a prominent position in the
chart, known as the ‘Star of human glory among its own kind’), is also conjunct
the Leo Mid-Heaven and the point of the Yod (see below). This means ‘The Little
King In The Heart Of The Lion’. This position is most propitious. Its placement
indicates that this individual will be raised to a high position in life far
exceeding the environment he was born into. This cosmic connection brought Elvis
into the presence of rulers and famous people. Riches, fame and power came to
him quite easily.
"From ‘An Astrological Mandala’, the 28th deg. of Leo (Mid-Heaven) states, 'A
wide, and perhaps confusing, openness to a multiplicity of inspiring potentials.
There is a stage in the spiritual life, which is not different from the everyday
life, during which the consciousness, aspiring to greater realizations or more
impressive forms of self-expression, feels itself flooded with new ideas and new
possibilities. This can be very exciting, yet also quite confusing. It becomes
necessary to focus oneself by limiting one’s field of vision and activity.'
"The 3rd Archangel Star (Formalhaut) located at 9 deg. Aquarius (sidereally) is
conjunct the Moon in Aquarius. This placement had much to do with releasing
Elvis from the inertia of the past, and opening an new window to the future.
This is the position that connotes great power and wisdom ‘bestowed from above’
"From ‘An Astrological Mandala’, the 9th deg. of Aquarius states, 'A flag is
seen turning into an Eagle. The dynamic incorporation of new social values in
individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and great significance of
these values...A person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual
realm. The Archetype is given living substance and wings. The image has become a
"The 4th Archangel Star is Aldebaran, meaning ‘The Follower’ as in ‘following
the celestial general’, and is located at 15th deg. Taurus (sidereally), exactly
opposite the Ascendent and the soul purpose. It is also located on one of the
'Points Of Avatar'. This star is also associated with war and is known as ‘The
Watcher of the East’.
"Its opposition to the soul purpose is an indicator that Elvis was in conflict
with himself, and that others near to him were draining him of the power needed
to maintain his focused soul purpose. He was striving constantly to balance his
warring nature, yet always being shown that which needed to be overcome through
those around him.
"From ‘An Astrological Mandala’, the 15th deg. of Taurus states, 'The courage
needed to meet the crisis precipitated by social ambition. Often he learns that
nothing fails like success. The storm may be within him, or it may attack his
social status. He shows a willingness to accept crisis and go through them, and
therefore great character, the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness is
grown, may develop.'
"It is rare to have all 4 Archangel Stars in prominent positions in a chart.
This would indicate not only the tremendous energy of evolutionary forces that
were available to Elvis, but that his soul life plan was divinely guided and
protected in ways we may not know or fully realize until a later time.
"In the chart of Elvis there are 2 Yods of ‘The Finger of God’ aspects. One with
the ‘finger’ pointing to the Leo Mid-Heaven, the other is pointing to Saturn in
Aquarius. According to Hermes, the Yod is the mysterious name of God.
"The Yod (triangle) represents a powerful unification of human awareness. It
represents developmental potential and spiritual accessibility. The Yod
symbolizes an aspect of fate where one is subjected to circumstances beyond
one’s control.
"From ‘Astrology, Mundane, Astral and Occult’ by Noel Tyl. 'The Yod represents
the zone of human experience that within time fills a void, synthesizes dormant
potential, and adds a dimension to human development entirely unforeseen and out
of context with what has gone before.' It literally means that the individual
has a 'Destiny To Fulfill'. The Yod calls for the person to be responsive to the
higher self. These souls have experienced some form of higher consciousness in
past lifetimes, and they seek it again in this life.
"Thus there was a strong need for Elvis to share his inner knowledge and
spiritual insights with others. The Yod pointing to the Leo Mid-Heaven brought
him what was required to accomplish what he needed in the material world. The
Yod pointing to Saturn in Aquarius showed him that he had a greater mission in
life, other than that which the 3-dimensional world could offer. But to this
greater mission, Elvis would not have the time for its fulfillment.
"Also in the same chart the Sun (soul awareness) and Mercury (mediator between
soul and personality) and Vulcan (spirit, will, isolation), are conjunct the
Galactic Center (The Galactic Center focuses the energy of Orion, location of
the Blue Star Rigel, and the energies of the Pleaides).
"This cosmic connection allowed Elvis to be attuned to the signals of life,
which brought increased insight from an almost precognitive perspective.
"Through the planetary connection to the Galactic Center, Elvis developed the
ability and talent to tune into higher information that was progressively
directed and became a component part of his destiny to relay that information to
"It is interesting to note that in Esoteric Astrology, the Sun, Mercury and
Vulcan are considered ‘one light’. As man evolves, the influence of Mercury as
mediator between the soul and personality is no longer needed and its light
‘dims’, leaving its influence behind. Vulcan’s influence wanes as man develops a
relationship between the soul (Vulcan) and spirit (Sun). Both Mercury and Vulcan
become ‘invisible’ until only the Sun remains. The Sun that remains is not the
physical Sun, but the Great Central Spiritual Sun. Elvis’ Physical Sun may have
dimmed in his last years on the earth plane, but the power of his Spiritual Sun
remains a mighty and shining Star.
"From a lecture by A.A.B. 'An ancient book states, that Virgo prepares the
ingredients, which are weighed in Libra, and in Scorpio the magical work is
carried forward. In terms of the disciple, it means that; in Virgo I discovered
the Christ in myself; in Libra I fluctuate between the pairs of opposites, form
and the Christ nature until I achieve balance; and in Scorpio I am tested as to
which will triumph, the form or Christ, the higher or lower self, the real or
unreal, the true or illusion.'
"In the chart of Elvis, there are planets in Virgo and Libra, culminating at the
Scorpio ascendent and the soul purpose. Thus relating Elvis to this triune
expression of the soul life.
"To further understand the
extraordinary life and light of Elvis Presley, a brief introduction
to the Great 7-Fold Life of the 7 Rays is needed. These are the
7-Fold energies or qualities of the evolutionary forces that
constitute all that is. They are the ‘7 Spirits Before the Throne of
God’. Their mighty power is stepped down and modified as they enter
our solar system through the 12 signs of the Zodiac. They express
within all that exists, the 7 fundamental qualities of which
everything from atoms to the highest spiritual intelligence is
"The understanding of the 7 Rays teaches the utilization of soul
energy and throws light on the nature of the seeker’s own life, his special qualities as
well as his place in the Great Plan. It links him with the understanding
concerning a problem, whether it be personal, national or worldly.
"The Scorpio ascendent in the chart of Elvis Presley brings into play the
energies of the soul focused on the 4th Ray of Harmony Through Conflict.
According to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, the 4th Ray is not due to come into
manifestation until the year 2025 AD. However, it should be known that Systemic
and Cosmic energies do not start and stop on a particular date or year. There
are always forerunners of such energy expressions to set the stage for the new
energies that will prevail and become more prominent in the future. Light in its
many forms must be instilled into the mass consciousness beforehand, so that
when that time arrives, the conditioning process of those energies has already
been at work. "This 4th Ray energy is extremely powerful as it finds expression through the
Scorpio Ascendent in this particular chart. At the time Elvis came into form,
there were few 4th Ray souls available for service. Yet, as a 4th Ray soul,
Elvis took on a great deal more karma than the average person, because he wanted
to hasten, not only his own evolution, but that of others.
"The 4th Ray takes the art of living to its utmost, and at the same time
produces brilliant expertise in any area of expression. It was with the wise use
of the 4th Ray energy that Elvis was capable of feeling for others and in many
ways, not yet fully understood, heal others through his voice alone. The major
task of the 4th Ray, as it worked through Elvis’ chart was to harmonize the new
Aquarian ideas with the old Piscean beliefs, so that there would be no dangerous
break or gap. Elvis adapted these 2 polarities so that the true pattern would be
preserved. The 4th Ray energy produced in Elvis the possibility of expressing 3
bridging processes. The first bridge was the production of harmonious sounds and
beautiful music, all of which helped others uplift their own consciousness and
make it easier for them to make soul contact. The 2nd bridge was to express as a
teacher, lecturer, writer or counselor of metaphysical principals and truth. The
3rd bridge was to act as a point of contact between humanity and the 3 lower
kingdoms of minerals, plants, and animals.
"This 4th Ray expression gave Elvis the capacity for the art of synthesis so
that his work could bring forward a truer presentation of the divine picture. He
had the ability to sustain the stress and pressures, and to adapt and manifest
eternally the qualities of persistence and hope. "Esoterically, the Sun in Sagittarius (ruled by Earth) also gives Elvis a 4th
Ray personality. Elvis was seen as the dashing, yet at times, reckless leader.
In moments of excitement, he was the gambler, full of enthusiasm and plans, yet
easily overwhelmed by sorrow or failure, but as quickly recovering from all
reverses and misfortunes. He had many conflicts with himself and others through
confusion and misinformation. It was through this 4th Ray energy, that Elvis
often felt out of tune with the ‘whole’.
"His method of approaching the Path should have been one of self-control and
discipline, thus gaining balance with the warring factions of his nature. He was
constantly trying to seek explanations for his mental elations or sufferings
through those around him. He may have more than once, sacrificed truth for
harmony. He sought the eternal truths that would support him inwardly during
times of stress. And he was constantly prepared to break down old values and
standards and re-assemble them at a higher level of spirituality. The planets in
the signs indicate the limitations and the possibilities that are presented to
the soul for its continued liberation from the bonds of matter and form (a
reminder this is a Sidereal chart - the author)
"1) Sun in Sagittarius - This is the placement that gave Elvis his hopeful,
enthusiastic, inspiring and generous nature. Elvis had the ability to dramatize
truth. He was a natural teacher and he was a vital link in humanity and its
collective discipleship.
"2) Moon in Aquarius - Esoterically, the Moon is a dead orb, but veils and
intensely transmits the energies of Uranus. Elvis could bring the abstract
vision into reality. Had Elvis remained on the planet, he could have become a
guiding light who infused wisdom into humanity; The humanitarian for the masses,
leading the lost and intimidated into the light.
"3) Vulcan in Sagittarius - The persistence and endurance exhibited through
Elvis, brought him to see a new and higher objective, so that he would have the
opportunity to refocus himself towards a higher goal with the unfoldment of a
basic and directing purpose.
"4) Earth in Gemini - Elvis experienced much sorrow in dealing with the pairs of
opposites. He had the ability to comprehend extremes and relate them to each
other. Yet he would experience major separations. Elvis could blend love and
wisdom through the understanding of men and circumstances. He could have been
the revealer of divine truths for humanity.
"5) Mercury in Sagittarius - Elvis exemplifies the philosophical artist. In
every facet of life and the cultural arts, his reasoning invited the principal
of truth. He then set it generously into his unique style of expression. His
quick intellect worked between destruction and reconstruction. He became
cognizant of the need to draw together his higher and lower self.
"6) Venus in Capricorn - Elvis loved the world, and poured an energetic
creativity into it where none existed before. All life yearned for the warmth of
the ultimate that this soul could attract. Spiritual transformation, the art of
living and a willingness for self-improvement, regardless of sacrifice, would
have eventually produced the ideal environment he so yearned for. His talent may
very well have been for the beauty and service of all humanity. This is also the
planetary position which indicates a rise in life to fame and distinction only
to be brought down in later life by treacherous friends.
"7) Mars in Virgo - Cosmically, Elvis was being conditioned for outward
activity. He had to rely upon his intuition to make the most of his vast amount
of tension. He was capable of deep thinking. He could grasp an idea and
elaborate on it. He was the practical spiritual warrior capable of an exacting
detailed service. It is through this planetary placement that a wonderful purity
of expression in the life of Elvis was seen and felt.
"8) Jupiter in Libra - Elvis used his ability of being outgoing and well-liked
for self-expansion. This placement predisposed Elvis for over-indulgence,
difficulties with partners and legal problems. However, this planetary position
granted him a philanthropic nature, with faith in the future. He loved humanity
and had a strong desire to help others. This placement amplified, not only his
cultural and artistic expression, but of those around him. He expressed a sense
of justice and balance in all his dealings with others.
"9) Saturn in Aquarius - This placement indicates that any form of
self-indulgence was a deterrent to Elvis’ advancement. Elvis needed beauty and
the light gained through knowledge and erudite friends and harmony to balance
his life. Elvis needed to learn that the dark and ugly side of life was really
misplaced force stimulated by a lack of understanding. At times he had
difficulty understand other people’s goals. This planetary position indicates
that past life debts were being returned for redemption. Thus any problems Elvis
encountered had to be met with forgiveness. It was up to him to extract the
truth from his experiences and share it with humanity.
"10) Uranus in Aries - This is the placement that made Elvis adaptable and
versatile and impetuous. His nervous system was highly charged. He experienced
many disruptions and conflicts in his relations with others, and he knew that he
had to quiet his forces. He needed to learn the art of concentration and
meditation to enhance his mental balance. As a forerunner of a better way for
all men he needed to maintain his idealistic standards. "11) Neptune in Leo - This combination promised Elvis recognition. His religious
conditioning played a vital role. Yet, affairs of the heart robbed him of his
creative tension. His artistry was veined with dramatic expression. This gave
his performance an almost evangelical attraction and potency. Elvis ‘knew’ how
things worked and the result of a particular action. Elvis was conscientious in
what ever he did, and as this placement ‘needs the overflow of the heart to give
the lips full speech,’ he was successful in imparting to others what knowledge
he acquired. Elvis accomplished much by with drawing from the outer world. This
gave his psyche strength, and provided the mystical ‘presence’ that was so
necessary to the outer expression of his inner power.
"12) Pluto in Cancer - Elvis experienced much conflict in early life that made
him feel thrust about by cyclic forces or caught between the crosscurrents of
good and evil. He had an intense drive for the understanding of life’s meaning
and the nature of the soul. The more he became exposed to spiritual
philosophies, the more he felt at home. Elvis had an expertise in what was
needed and desired to transform the world in a way that served truth and
practicality at the same time. Elvis had a strong unconscious need to transform
his own ego energies into group energies in order to live out his role in the
evolution of the masses.
"The North Node in a chart is the symbol of the future. It represents a new
experience yet untried. With each step taken, higher possibilities are seen,
demanding more footsteps and more tests. But no one can reach the North Node
experience until the karmic shackles of the past are released. The individual
must let go of all the negative habits and memories that not longer serve him.
He must be willing to walk where no one has walked before "The major karmic lesson of the Capricorn North Node is indicated by the need
for Elvis to identify with an ideal larger than the personality life (this was
also exemplified in his choosing Aron vs Aaron as covered in the numerology
portion of this chapter previously - author). In spite of his real or imagined
personal difficulties, Elvis needed to ultimately stand for something. It was
through this nodal position, that Elvis had the opportunity to establish an
image through which others could look up to and model their lives after.
"At times personal difficulties would deplete Elvis of the strength he needed to
maintain his image, yet maintain it he did, Even If It Meant Sacrificing His
Entire Life. There was a strong need in Elvis to fulfill a ‘father’ image,
either personally, publicly or spiritually.
"From ‘Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets’ by Barbara
Hand Clow. 'Chiron in the 7th house is the place of maximum distortion about who
we are. Who we are will always be distorted in the perceptions of others until
we master polarity. The truth is that each end of the polarity is the same; I am
you and you are me.'
“'Chiron’s presence in the 7th house signifies a dynamic of knowing the self
through significant relationships on the personal level, and strongly affecting
other people on a mass scale. This position is the essence of charisma. These
individuals have enormous potential to express the collective unconsciousness of
their times, and they have an uncanny ability to mirror the self-image of other
"'Chiron encourages the native to crave the adoration and adulation of
others...and the identification of this energy is a revelation to the native.
They need to understand how they are affecting people around them, or The
Intensifying Adulation Will Attach To The Personal Ego And Destroy Them.'
"'Interpersonal relationships are usually so potent and distracting that the
native can become blinded to their own inner knowledge. This placement is also
very involved with mass consciousness, and often, some really valuable work is
going on in that area. The native needs encouragement to become more conscious
of the potent effect they have on others so they can know that the response from
others to them is their teacher. Once they become aware of their effect on
others, they release their inner gift. They need to become more conscious about
the gift that the culture sees within them.'
"From ‘Esoteric Astrology’ by A.A.B. 'As a result of struggle and victory, the
whole divine man is anchored upon the physical plane with such accuracy and
clarity that there is no escape from the environing conclusions of the
disciple’s family, friends and group, that He is a disciple. He learns the
meaning of the word ‘example’; He is pillared by those who are onlookers and the
first stages toward group awareness, group response and group service are
Afterthoughts "For many of us there are still questions that remain. Did Elvis accomplish what
he came in to do? Was he aware of his purpose? His Goal? His spiritual
potential? Did he realize it all too late? Perhaps.
"There is a point to be made here. Perhaps only an idea to ponder. A great
dichotomy in the life of Elvis has emerged. It is quite possible that Elvis
fulfilled the destiny aspect indicated by the Yod pointing to the Leo
Mid-Heaven. For it is here that he entered the public ‘battlefield’ as his life
was thrust before the masses in all its glorious reverie. The music, the power,
the attraction, the honor, were all placed before him to be conquered by it.
Yet, he commanded it, took what he could from it and in the end gave it all
"Later in his life, when he began to fall from grace, beset with physical
aliments and surrounded by those who would imprison him and drain him of his
power, he realized he had no real control over his life or circumstances. The
public battlefield became a star in his crown, but his personal battlefield
became the sword that pierced his mighty heart. The glory became the burden
until the spiritual goal and vision set before him, became only a distant and
fading memory.
"His passing from this plane did not give him time enough to finish his
spiritual journey, and thus fulfill the 2nd Yod pointing to Saturn in Aquarius.
Elvis would remain the ‘hidden priest’ as the opportunity to pour the ‘spiritual
waters’ upon the masses would have to wait until another time, another place.
"But the Great Triangle of Destiny found no expression, and he could not truly
share what he knew with humanity. However, Saturn will not be denied. And he
will return anew, unencumbered by success, in a more humble, focused and
responsible life to once again point the way as a beacon of light before all
"It should be realized that we cannot know the requirements of the soul in any
one life. No one, no matter how evolved, ever fulfills the total opportunity,
expresses fully all the energies, or transmutes all the karma, provided by the
parameters indicated in the astrology chart in a single lifetime. For until our
experience sings with joy, there will always be more to do.... 'The personality
is a song sung by the soul, and when there is silence the soul is preparing for
a new harmony.'"
From ‘The Astrology of the 7 Rays’ by Davis and Raifsnider
“When the magic of the soul acts, the chemistry of transformation is limitless.
Who knows what new patterns the soul may weave when the call is heard?”