Elvis’ features were strikingly similar to the ancient statues of gods,
patriots and kings of many different cultures. Some of the most prominent
resemblances are Alexander the Great, Pericles (Orator and statesman of Greece
), King Mausolus of Asia Minor (355 B.C. from which the word ‘mausoleum’ was
derived), Charioteer from the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, and the statues of
Hermes among others. Elvis’ photographs were used as studies to re-build Old
World statues damaged during the bombings of WWII. It is revealing to note that
these various statues sculpted in different eras and in many separate empires of
the world only slightly resemble one another, further signifying the complexity
of Elvis’ features which in the various stages of his life transformed through
several archetypal ‘world images’. His face, expressions, and growth of self
were as mutable as were his artistic talents which grew with the advancements of
the times in which he lived. Yet despite his parity with the world, he remained
singular, unique, and quite apart from the symbolic archetypes he represented in
our culture.
Before we go any further an explanation of archetypes would be in order. An
archetype is any prototype pattern which can be repeatedly duplicated in thought
or form. This could be as simple as the prototype for an object to be
manufactured, or as complex as consciousness patterns. There are many different
variations on archetypes. The noted psychologist Carl Jung identified many
different archetypal patternings of human thought. These represented ways of
thinking and behaving that humans would adopt, many times without being fully
conscious of the pattern they emulated. These patterns influence an individuals
perception of the world around him greatly. Carl Jung’s archetypes are those
born partly of God essence, and partly of humanities own lesser variations of
God essence.
There are sacred archetypes of consciousness that were created by divine
beings that are much more pure. These are the archetypes that we as humans would
do best to emulate. To emulate them we must first be able to identify what they
are, and who in our current experience might be exemplifying these archetypal
qualities whereby we might contemplate that individual, and what makes them
different. It is in that light that I attempt to give the reader an
understanding of the divine archetypes that Elvis exemplified in his life, and
in his past lives, as they all are connected.
In addition, there are archetypal types of faces and bodies. Elvis’ face
was definitely archetypal, as you will see by the accompanying photos of ancient
statues. Metaphysical / spiritual principle states that ‘as above, so below’.
One perspective on this statement would be that anything that exists in the
unseen spiritual realms (such as consciousness), will have its counterpart in
our physical world. An archetypal face that is associated with a certain divine
archetype of consciousness, is an example of this principle.
In the assessment of those who loved Elvis, the one face which captured our
domain and impressed itself upon our minds as the ultimate in expression of true
emotions becoming beloved to our hearts, will never be duplicated regardless of
whether it is through an act of God or the hand of a plastic surgeon. To look
into Elvis’ eyes in the flesh was to behold a sense of balance within the
delicate and often over complicated ligaments of humanity. He seemed to see
beyond the horizon, and for a moment his eyes burned into yours, and you shared
the vision with him. Such is the power of truly great souls. Like the Gods of
Olympus there was a sense of prophetic furtiveness in his gaze, a taste of
hemlock upon his tongue. Yet there was no morbid rush in him to encounter his
seat in Valhalla (The final heavenly resting place for valiant soldiers in
Viking mythology). It was instead a simple knowing and a faith in things yet
unborn. It was his to conquer grief, to expose the tenacious rays of hope and
lift sorrow from deeply embedded roots, transplanting love in the gaping hole of
the unknown. In his face were engraved the fine lines of eternal youth which
echoed with trust unquestioned. He accepted his future as he did his past,
without regret and led by an innate understanding of his own birth and death.
From beneath the eclipsing burden of this knowing, a brilliant Sun burst
forth. Elvis’ joy and humor shone because like the Sun, the soul’s natural
reflex is to be radiant. Elvis’ happiness did not perform entirely as a puppet
to his life experiences. His joy responded instead to the call of spirit, of one
soul touching another. For this reason, no sorrow could fully penetrate him.
His smile was exquisite. The crook of his lip revealed in the shyest way a
suppressed delight. The flash of teeth molded to his grin like a roller-coaster
to its trellis in a perfect match. Elvis possessed a noble bone structure, the
envy of Shakespearean advocates, with an immaculate hairline accenting the broad
intelligent forehead. The explosion of well groomed sideburns, ending in a
sweeping flourish at the peak of high cheekbones gleaned from his Cherokee blood
and the boldness of his jaw, set the visual stage for a scenario of impending
revelation. The wide set eyes, which did on occasion betray their fascination
for blue to become tinted with smokey grays and greens, were the supreme reward
one sought when gazing upon Elvis. Like a shimmering pool, the beholder tumbled
into the depth of them and into the secrets of the ages they contained.
Photographer Sean Shaver in his book, ‘Elvis In Focus’ comments on Elvis’
face thusly:
"His skin glowed, and his eyes had a shine to them that I had never seen
before or since in any person’s eyes. I was never able to get a photograph of
him that did him justice. I have never had anyone who ever saw him in person
tell me they thought the real Elvis had been caught on film.....Here was
perfection in the male face. Adding to his looks was the fact that he never took
himself seriously. He joked about how he looked....He was like something out of
a dream....When Elvis entered the room everybody turned to see him, even those
facing away from where he made his entrance somehow knew he was there. Without
seeing him you knew he was near, you felt his presence.
"It was not because he was Elvis the singer but because of some
invisible power he had. It went far beyond being charismatic. It was a power. It
was magnetic. If others had not made the same comment I could not say it, I
would not want to sound like something was wrong with me."
Even at a distance, Elvis was unique in form with his squarely broad
shoulders, impressive six foot frame and gleaming hair of black satin. He
possessed a special ‘looseness’ permeating his movements. He seemed in
perpetual readiness to spring upon some target unseen by less wary eyes, yet
this tension was suspended in the weightlessness of rhythm that exuded from his
presence, whether dancing, walking or at apparent rest. Indeed, Elvis was never
truly ‘at rest’ until he departed his wearied cancer ridden body on that
August day. His eyes cut from side to side, alighting briefly on faces, seeming
to recognize them in mystic communion. His hands could vibrate in almost violent
drama, deftly piercing the air in talon-like precision, but within their power
they preserved a gentleness in an always open gesture as if expectantly awaiting
the clasp of a child’s hand. The legs, especially the famous left one which he
shook on stage, were never completely still. There was forever sufficient motion
in the left knee to cause the spray of feathered locks on his forehead to
undulate in the wake of a barely perceptible tremble.
The piecing together of this collage in the mind creates a picture of a man
of intelligent instinct, a discerner of the false and superfluous. We see a
human with great humor and a tolerance for the weakness in others. Yet the stern
set of the jaw revealed that he had little patience for his own weaknesses, and
a quicksilver temper, the fury of which was more often turned upon himself than
hurled at others. An inner loving very deep in his nature pervaded the tender
actions of his mouth in speech or song, unveiling his gentle heart and total
commitment to all things of spirit. He lent mystical insight to those who would
see with him beyond the horizon. With his eyes he could make you believe he was
a savant from another planet (and indeed he was!).
The marbled forms of mortals imbued with the divine are gathered in the
ancient sepulchers, mute in testimony of days when magical signs and wonders
wove dreams into a reality of their own for races of a Golden Age. Similarly
Elvis Presley’s image is with us now, raised as an epistle of our own story in
time to an age of new miracles. It memorializes a time when we began to
understand the burnishing of our own flame, and how glorious it could be to
dance to the music of a sweet soul who would lead us through an all too brief
passage in history. He gave us knowledge of ourselves, not through divine
appointment but with a stroke of human grace, knowledge of a love that escapes
the encounters of lesser men. We learned in a joyous awakening, what fun it is
to be alive.
To those who shake their heads in bemusement at such inspiration, I can only
say that those of us who lived the experience saw the cold marble of the ancient
statues come to life, the eyes quickening the cold blind stare into a living
sapphire light, and the stone mouth quiver into a tempting smile. For us, the
revelation was complete. We will never forget.
To view Elvis' features alongside some classical faces of the past, see
my Hero of Time collage.
There are actually two main archetypal facial forms present in these statues
and in their relationship to Elvis. One, as is evidenced in such statues as
Apollo, Hermes and the Discus Thrower, personify eternal youth and vigor, just
as Elvis did in the early stages of his career, with his joyful exuberance in
front of an audience. The chiseled face is tranquil on the surface, almost
disinterested; and yet smoldering beneath the smooth muscles and full lips.
There is anticipation resting in the deep spaces of the sinews, that even in
marble or bronze seems to be ready to pounce upon the observer. Yet such tension
beneath relaxed exterior is not malevolent. It only serves to entice the
spectator to becoming more involved with the statue. This was true also of the
young Elvis, who reached beyond the petulant expression into the fiery core of
his being and brought the interactive individual into close proximity with the
register of his flame.
The second archetypal form is exemplified in the bust of Alexander the Great
and the statues of Pericles and Mausolus. Here is controlled grace and measured
performance encompassed within the stroke of a visionary’s world offering.
These faces reveal men with a sense of their own power and also an awareness of
their personal fate. Held in the balance, is the strong resolve cast in the
far-reaching gaze, and the tender mercies evident in the set of a sensitive
mouth. Certainly, this also is a description of Elvis in the early 1970's when
his face held all the complexities of the world and all the beauty of heaven in
one single lightening struck moment.
"Elvis believed that our ‘Light’ (soul) came from the light of
God, but that Light (once spiritual) was now confined in the physical body -
that same spiritual Light representing the sum total of knowledge. Realizing
this and practicing this may explain why Elvis seemed to ‘Glow’, and why so
many millions were and are attracted to this special man, how they automatically
love him."
- Gail Brewer-Giorgio
The following is an examination of Elvis' spiritual purpose during his
lifetime and beyond through the use of pure archetypes. In this first part of
the examination I have chosen three categories with the intention that they
represent the inner structure of spiritual purpose for which Elvis Presley was
1) The Moonstone Path / Divine Synergy: This pure archetype of
consciousness expressing in our current world represents harmony within the
social arena, the recognition that you are not separate from others and
therefore may see yourself within them, balancing of the physical and more
practical portions of ones life with the spiritual, working together with others
for the good that can be manifest for a common cause, and bringing out the best
in others.
Elvis brought together different realms of reality by attracting different
and often opposing types of people. He created social harmony out of musical
harmony by allowing his audience to see him not only as the singer, but the song
itself. When emotion is harmonized it strikes a common and responsive chord in
everyone. People are moved together through music, and with Elvis' extreme
versatility and ability to express human emotion so fully in his singing, this
truth was amplified to unify people through the heart despite the other cultural
and musical preferences of the individuals listening to his music. This fusion
was sustained through inducing the feeling of ‘being in control’ of their
lives once again.
Elvis truly saw the audiences as an extension of himself, and embraced all
with a heartfelt compassion that perhaps he was not even able to give self that
fully, and so loved himself through the act of loving others. Certainly he
strived for a balance of the physical attributes of his expression with the more
spiritual aspects of his innate nature. In the end it was the fact that Elvis
was inherently spiritually oriented to such a high degree, that he did not even
see his own expression of that spirituality because he already WAS IT. In such
cases as Elvis, many times all of the physical desire to aspire to greater
heights of spiritual expression, and the longing to have a deep spiritual
communion with other humans, often overshadows their ability to simply accept
what they already are. Thus was his challenge in balancing the physical and
spiritual aspects of his life presented to him.
As Elvis was always in pursuit of helping others, he also saw that spark of
God within each and every human being he ever had contact with. By almost
naively recognizing only that divine flame within them, he assisted these souls
to see that aspect of themselves more clearly, at whatever level they were able
to. He never let their self judgments cloud his vision of their potential, and
humanity being what it is, we tend to live up to others expectations of us.
Elvis had great expectations of others divine potential, and helped them to step
into that role with themselves.
2) The Ruby Path / Divine Motivation: This pure archetype of
consciousness expressing in our current world represents a prime movement of
energy, an unconditional and absolutely trusting love of all beings, development
of the sacred heart, humility and an absolute faith in God, dedication to giving
one’s life to their spiritual purpose and living that life strictly form one’s
inner sources.
Elvis most certainly moved a considerable amount of energy, not only through
his music and dancing, but within the heart. He moved people to act positively
in their lives, to be excited by the very sensation of being alive. Thus, they
tended to recreate their existence to accommodate their new found faith in life.
There are many stories of hope rendered to the hopeless, simply by their being
exposed to Elvis' voice or image. Elvis was able to uplift the soul through his
presence alone, and this was because he lived from his inner sources at all
times. He was fed by deep wells of Light that gushed up from the greatest part
of him, that portion of his self that was still harbored in the star of his
spiritual birthing. It was a point of Light he focused upon so intently that he
made us see it with him, and we suddenly viewed the ordinary as magical and
special. WE became magical and special. Listen to Elvis burst forth in the live
performance of ‘The Wonder of You’ from the ‘On Stage’ LP. He was
expressing this very sentiment to us.
Elvis knew what his purpose was in this lifetime from a young age. He might
not have known all the details, but he felt the essence of it, and was even
shown some components by his ‘angel guardians’. As such, he humbled himself
to his peers, and thus to God. As Christ washed the feet of the disciples, Elvis
expressed his humility many ways, but most visible was by not becoming ego
centered about his phenomenal looks or voice. He trusted implicitly in the
process of his purpose here, and used his God given attributes to serve others
in the only way he knew how.
3) The Sapphire Path / Divine Feminine: This pure archetype of
consciousness expressing in our current world represents evolution of matter,
the nurturing of all beings and life, moving past limiting fears of mortality,
becoming comfortable with one’s own body and deciding how to best present that
to the world for the greater purpose, becoming aware of the balance of divine
male / female aspects needed within oneself.
Elvis’ evolution throughout his life was self evident to those who watched
his music change over the years. He expressed his nurturing self through the
male form extraordinarily well, and in many ways discussed elsewhere in this
book, so I will only touch upon the fact here that the most obvious expression
of this quality was seen in his ability to console others in times of distress.
His bodily image was archetypally representative of the mythic spiritual
warriors and real heroes of the ancient past. His face was an obvious reflection
of the gaze from Mount Olympus*. There, a godly race beyond the mortal pale,
reached into the wake of man in order to experience the kiss of life and death.
With wings bruised and broken by this attempt at mortality, they returned to
their mountain home beneath the Sun that knew no night. The physical beauty that
was Elvis Aaron's was claimed by a greater beauty within his soul. This
combination of inner and outer connectiveness was borne in a seal of features
struck in similar casting throughout history. It is the mark of mastery. In our
souls we knew this, and so his physical form was instantly recognizable to us as
an image of ‘the gods’. With this knowledge, we were awakened to the balance
of the divine male / female within each of us.
Elvis never feared death. In fact, toward the end of his life he welcomed it.
But never did he view death as a morose inevitability. He saw it as a doorway to
the true Home of the soul. It is our challenge now, to release his image from
any sad thought and to see him joyous in Sunlit rapture, embraced by the kindred
company he knew was there waiting for him in his ‘other Home’. It is a
vision that we too may make our reality; to find release from the clutch of the
Raven’s death and be at peace in the thought of the door opening for each of
us one day, as we are received into the eternality of Spirit.
Elvis' physical trials were intended as a lesson in understanding that the
purpose of suffering is not always for he who suffers, but to create an empathic
link with the Earth and her children. My mystical inner sources refer to ‘World
Karma’, and say that most of Elvis' unhappiness in this life was not a result
of his own karmic circumstances, but rather because he was assuming the role of
transforming ‘the sins of the world’. This was what the Master Jesus
accomplished in his crucifixion on a much larger scale. You might see this as a
form of purifying the blood through the parts of the body that have the greatest
ability to withstand pain. Elvis’ body was a sacrificial component in the body
of the world that needed to be purified.
In part two of this examination I have chosen four categories of archetypes
representing the Four Pillars or balances within Elvis, which sustained his
inner structure of spiritual life purpose outlined in the first three
1) The Emerald Path / Divine Knowing: Completion of one’s cosmic
purpose, merger with the reality of the soul, clarity of purpose, absolute
knowing of the purpose for incarnating in the current lifetime, the
understanding of the totality of one’s experience through all of their
lifetimes as though there were no time barriers at all.
Elvis possessed an innate comprehension of his place in time and the cycles
of manifestation that brought him here. This gave him clarity to the degree of a
visionary and philosopher. It enabled him to keep his focus on the stars, and
not allow worldly influences to blow him off course, yet he had the ability to
be in this world fully so that others could relate to him. Without the ability
to connect with others on the grand scale he did, his spiritual purpose here
would have failed. He saw that all of his current experience was a part of the
grand completion for his soul, in preparation for the next journey, whatever
that may hold for him.
2) The Lapis Path / Divine Physicality: The bringing together of all
experience from the past into the current time frame, protection of all aspects
of the vulnerable self, utilization of the sexual energies for their true
purpose so that one may become enlightened and enlighten others, realization of
the divine truth manifest in this real world.
From his assemblage of past experiences brought forward in time through his
willingness to serve humanity, Elvis was empowered by the ‘Tantric forces’,
which are a creative energy of the Spirit. It is the Kundalini (energy moving
from the base of the spine up through the crown of the head) fully received into
the higher consciousness centers of the spiritual body. Kundalini relates to the
sexual activity in humans, but there are many expressions of that energy
possible, from the lowliest sexual act to the Immaculate Conception that Jesus’
mother Mary experienced in her conception of the Christ child. In between these
two extremes are many differing levels of evolutionary expression of these
energies. Elvis' natural sexuality was never vulgar as the old press clippings
of the 1950's would have you believe, but it became even more spiritualized by
the 1970's. He had a cleansing effect on the sins of Eden through his expanded
awareness of the sacredness of the act, revealing through his instinct that the
true power of sex was in the heart and not the body and mind. This knowledge,
whether perceived and / or experienced, brings the individual into ‘Gnosis’,
or truth.
Gnosis gave Elvis the ability to abide in Truth. God reached down to him in
those moments when he was not able to reach up to God, and will do the same for
each of us, if we but only remember to ask.
3) The Amethyst Path / Divine Fulfillment: The realization of the fruits
of following the path of intuition, increased ability to use all the physical
senses at a new level of awareness, the merging of one’s cosmic being with
their sensual self, fulfillment of all physical and material needs beyond one’s
expectations, unlimited flow of creative energy for the greater purpose.
These are all expressions of Elvis' life. He implicitly followed the path of
his inner guidance. Elvis increased his ability to sense the energy the audience
truly needed, so that he might spontaneously respond as his career progressed.
As Elvis’ life progressed the greater part of him became a more active
participant in his experience, and within those of us who shared that
experience, this was his cosmic being seeking expression on Earth. He certainly
experienced material abundance, which was as a result of his creative energies
unleashed. As he expressed in his speech to the Jaycees in 1970, his childhood
dreams had come true beyond his greatest expectations. In addition to his
spiritualized sexuality, he exuded a mystical sensuality, and he was if
anything, creative in weaving the divergent aspects of his life together. This
flexibility and easy grace in the midst of a luxury that tempts decadence to the
utmost, was one of his most valuable empowerments and his greatest test.
4) The Diamond Path / Divine Victory: Spiritual victory through action
that may seem foolish to others, the completion of the ultimate chess game,
where you trade your most powerful and prized piece to gain the victory.
Elvis was in the final analysis victorious, as his was his spiritual mastery
over the burden of matter. His victory is to be found in every human being he
inspired toward their own personal conquests against failure. He continues to
hearten people, many of whom were not even born during his life time.
He invoked dramatic action and change in his culture and in some respects,
throughout every culture of the World. He received from what he lost, in that he
was always aware of the greater good, and thus could not be diminished. In the
end, he traded his most prized physical possession, his body and human life, for
the greater goal at hand. He readily accepted his early death, and knew it was
coming long before the medical community did. He welcomed the ultimate climax
experience of life - death - with an open mind and heart trusting implicitly in
the process. Of all the divine attributes Elvis exemplified in his life, this
stands as his greatest in my heart. He offered himself to an early transition,
and in so doing preserved the image we held of him for our sake, not his, for
what good would his personal image ever do him now?
The information in this next portion of the chapter is a bit more esoteric
and metaphysical. I have structured the book so that this part of the chapter
can be optional reading for those who may not be interested in this type of
information, without loss of continuity in the book. Those who knew and loved
Elvis but are not metaphysically oriented, may wish to simply scan through the
material and then read the last paragraph. For those interested in metaphysics
and the Inner Mysteries, this information should prove to be nectar for your
The following esoteric study came together for me as a result of several
years of inner understanding finally coming to blossom, and pulls together the
other seven pure archetypal consciousness patterns previously addressed into a
greater vision yet. Some of this material will relate to aspects of metaphysical
interpretation with which you may not be familiar. I suggest that you not try
too intently to understand every word, but rather, take the greater message of
this work directly into your heart. This relates directly to my comments on
Elvis’ greatest gift of all in the closing of the ‘Victory’ archetype.
The Wounded King Archetype
(Wounded Healer)
Elvis' greater overall archetypal role would be one of the Wounded or Lame
King. This is an archetype within the Grail Legends also known as the ‘Fisher
King’. The essence of the Grail legends is that the seeker must find the
divine feminine expression within their own experience, which is what the Grail
represents. When enough individuals on the planet have truly found this inner
source, then the Grail is also returned to the planet as a whole. As the planet
has been out of balance in respect to male / female energy for some time, the
seeking of the divine feminine (Grail) is designed to restore balance, not to
turn a patriarchy into the opposite imbalance of matriarchy. According to my
mystical inner sources, there is also a physical Holy Grail cup which remains
hidden to this day. This object is significant in that it is a focusing point
for the spiritual Grail, or divine feminine consciousness. There are
various interpretations to understanding the role of the Wounded King. I am
choosing to follow the illumination given to me from my mystical inner sources
in revealing the Mystery of the Wounded King. It is important to keep in mind
that the ‘Grail Mystery’ is an outer representation of an inner search for
our own complete God Self.
The Wounded King is generally considered to be the guardian of the Holy Grail
consciousness, but is not adequately empowered to carry out the job. The Wounded
King must be healed, but this not possible until the rightful recipient of the
Grail consciousness comes along and claims the Grail. The Wounded King’s
plight is reflected in the barren wasteland that his kingdom has become (i.e.
the consciousness of the world he lives within). The Grail consciousness cannot
be reactivated until the individual worthy of it appears and asks the right
question proving they are worthy of such a treasure. The question would be; what
is the true sacred purpose of this Grail? In whose name does it serve? In the
asking of this question the seeker proves they are aware of the king’s plight
and the state of his kingdom, and has a true compassion for their experience.
The only purpose for the activation of the Grail consciousness must be for the
benefit of others, and not glorification of the self.
Who will achieve the Grail consciousness? In this role we may find any and
every one who in their seeking asks this question within. In seeking the truth
of this knowledge, so we are quickened to release our own karmic wounds and
receive the grace of God. For in the asking comes acceptance of our own
separation from our true God Self in its balanced wholeness, and in the
acceptance we open to the necessary healing. If we place Elvis in the role of
the Wounded King (understanding that he was / is not the only Wounded King, but
one of those who strongly assumes a major aspect of this archetypal role on a
planetary scale), we may understand more clearly his physical suffering, and
indeed his entire life as well as his current link to humanity. In his Wounded
King role, Elvis Aaron was enacting World karma in order to facilitate healing
for the masses. Certainly he had / has his own karma, and it was reflected to a
degree in his life, but the broader spectrum of his ‘Elvis experience’ was
as a result of a World service according to my mystical inner sources.
The Wounded King’s suffering serves the purpose to bring greater wisdom,
knowledge and insight to the people of his kingdom. He offers his blood to the
greater cause to release those he loves and cares for from their suffering if at
all possible. Certainly we can see this in the way Elvis gave all for his fans,
so that they might experience a moment of happiness they might not have
otherwise. He lifted them from the doldrums of every day life into the heights
he inhabited at great expense to his own physical being.
Now lets us move to another format whereby the Wounded King may be referenced
from a different perspective.
I have followed the pattern of divisions given in the ‘Gaia Matrix Oracle’
divination deck and book by Ms. Rowena
Patty Kryder. I have put together a dynamic of the Life / Mystery of Elvis
Aaron Presley. My mystical inner sources chose the particular archetypes (cards)
from the Gaia Matrix Oracle that held peak correlations to Elvis' life within
the correspondent 'Four Phases of Creation and Regeneration of Gaia'. Elvis’
childhood up to the age of nineteen and his army years, were preparatory phases
and not the actual manifestation of the archetypes themselves. The final phase,
as you will see, began at the moment of his death on August 16, 1977, and
continues through to an unrevealed (to me) future time.
The portions in quotations are from the Gaia Matrix Oracle book. The rest was
given me by my mystical inner sources:
INVOLUTION: The inward flow of consciousness, where self discovery and
greater self knowledge is forthcoming
This phase played out for Elvis from 1954 (age 19) through 1957 (age 22).
Archetype / card selected: Immortals - "Inherent joy of Spirit"
The sheer joy a young and innocent Elvis experienced and gave through his
singing. Here was the ‘Mystery’ in its first stages of being. The mystery
was not yet aware of its own devices, and so it is active through the autonomous
power of life itself. In other words, the mystery begins by mirroring the sheer
joy of the universe instead of acknowledging one’s own singular persona,
character or direction.
EVOLUTION: The movement outward to greater knowledge and realization of truth
as a result in the inward focus becoming an inherent autonomous process.
This phase was active for Elvis from 1960 (age 25) through 1967 (age 32).
Archetype / card selected: Hero - "Helping others by being true to
In the 1960's Elvis lived the second phase of Creation and Regeneration by
working inwardly on his wholeness, which was expressed outwardly by the great
feeling of love focused toward his fans. Whereas, in the 1950's his followers
had primarily been swept along by unthinking joy, Elvis Aaron was now refining
his definition of Self, and thus was generating a deeper more consciously aware
love from his inner being toward his followers.
While it was largely an inactive period for Elvis on the screen, most of the
music he generated at that time was soothing and reassuring. Even the fast
pieces contained the emphasis on essential beingness; 'I know who I am, thus I
am better able to serve you.'
SACRIFICE: Places into motion the greater healing of self and humanity. The
giving of all for the greater purpose at hand.
This phase was prevalent from 1968 (age 33) through 1977 (age 42) in Elvis’
For this third phase my mystical inner sources have chosen three archetypes
instead of one, because in this last earthly phase of Elvis' life, he was
encompassing a greater degree of the 'Mystery'.
1st archetype / card selected: Heart of the Sun - "Seeing everything as
a sign of divine glory in the light"
2nd archetype / card selected: Blue Pharaoh - "Allowing the breakdown of
the physical vehicle while heightening cellular (consciousness) changes
occur." Cellular consciousness can be equated to the innate
intelligence inherent in our whole being, similar to intuition, and is not
dependent on health necessarily as an indication of its sate of evolution.
3rd archetype / card selected: Black Buffalo - "Experiencing oneself as
a fulfillment of the divine image in the human, empathy for all life."
As Elvis entered phase three, he experienced a surge of return to his own
divinity. All the love he had poured out toward the World in phases one and
especially two, were now streaming back into him. As he increased his Love
outwardly in response to this melting pot of Love, he created a bridge of Light
continuously in motion, moving from him to his followers, and back again. Also,
this movement was escalating in truth, thus a spiral was manifesting. The point
of the spiral touched the Elvis Mystery in mankind and the wider end reached
into the divine continuum, the heart of God. It was at this juncture defined by
the development of the Golden Spiral of Love, that the Heart of the Sun
archetype was expressed.
The immense energy sustained within the physical body of Elvis Aaron at this
point was tremendous. There were millions of human beings FOCUSING LOVE ON THIS
ONE MAN with an intensity that perhaps has never been known before on the
planet. During their lifetimes, not even Buddha or Jesus Christ had that much
concentration of human energy infusing their bodies, since there was no media of
communication to accommodate it, and not as many people on the planet if there
had been mass communication ability. Certainly other entertainers are loved and
admired, but not to the degree Elvis experienced it. What he was receiving from
all these people was not only love however, but karma. Unfortunately, human love
is not yet pure. It is projected through the persona, and that persona is a
vehicle for the karma of the individual. While there were great spiritual
benefits to Elvis in receiving the world's love, he was unable as a single human
being to strain out the lumps of karma. Taking upon himself the karma of the
world, his physical body began to break down, as matter is the 'Corpus' of the
karmic embodiment. Yet because of the Golden Spiral of Love, his spiritual body
incorporated more and more Light into its higher state of being. This enabled
him to continue to sing with such power and glory, even to the end. All of his
music during this third phase reflected the magnificence of angelic choirs,
sounding to the reverie of the soul. The shifting of Elvis Aaron's body vehicle
from matter more towards Light is revealed in the Blue Pharaoh archetype. It is
important to understand that while Elvis body was riddled with cancer and such,
its greater expression was moving into a sublime state which enabled the body to
remain in an undeteriorated state long after his death (this witnessed by a
mutual friend of Elvis and Wanda Hill upon exhumation of Elvis' body to be
re-entombed at Graceland).
Throughout the third phase, Elvis radiated the message of the Black Buffalo,
but we can also see this archetype as a consummation of his entire life up to
that point: "Experiencing Oneself As a Fulfillment of the Divine Image
in the Human, Empathy for all of Life."
ESCHATON: This is the phase completing spiritual consummation of the Earth,
received through a fiery burst of experience, much like Joan of Arc on the
burning pyre. It can be painful or glorious, but it is always illuminative to
the point of total surrender. One can no longer claim anything tangible. It must
all be given up to the flame in perfect knowing that the greatest possession is
to BE possessed by God.
This fourth phase began for Elvis and his Mystery at his death.
There are two archetypes chosen for the Elvis’ Eschaton phase:
1st archetype / card selected: Mother of the World - "All embracing
compassion for all beings".
2nd archetype / card selected: Fool - "Whole-hearted presence."
With the Mother of the World archetype active in your life, "you can now
free yourself totally from giving your power away to another." Elvis did
give a great deal of his emotional power away to others, by trying too hard to
fulfill the demands made upon him by his fans, his friends, and his family. This
was a contributing factor on a personal level to his grosser physical depletion.
He no longer does this, for now he is able to give without being pulled upon.
The Fool archetype represents innocence and instinctual response. It the
essence of our purity that has not been tainted by the limited thoughts of the
world, the part of self that has no ego or personality to obstruct its vision.
In some schools of thought the Fool is represented by the wounded swan, which
in turn represents the fall of humanity from grace. The swan frequently
symbolizes purity, love and grace. There is a story involving the wounded swan
in relation to the legend of the Holy Grail. In this story there is a character
who represents the innocent hero by the name of Parcifal. Parcifal shoots a swan
wounding it, and in the process wounds himself. Through this experience he
becomes conscious of the nature of suffering which leads him to the discovery of
greater expressions of love.
There is a connection between the wound that has been inflicted upon the
swan, and evolving consciousness, all represented in the swan's body as it
appears in the picture on the Haindl Tarot card for the Fool. Though the neck
twists in pain it forms a spiral curling into the sky. Consciousness does not
move upwards in a straight line, but spirals toward the heavens. But the golden
beak does point almost straight upward, like an arrow directing us to the
heavens. The swan's wing arches upward, creating a vision that makes us feel we
could climb to heaven through the experiences of love and pain. (The
Haindl Tarot by Rachel Pollack)
Take a moment, and form the following picture in your mind: It is the end of
an Elvis concert. The lights create a mesmerizing, spiraling radiance about his
body. The jewels on his suit flash in a twinkling maze of fire, and his face
seems to glow from an inner source. With humble expression, he raises his head
and stretches out his arms, holding the ends of his cape. A horizon of crimson
fans upward. He forms a cross of color and light upon the stage. Is this not the
swan of the Fool, the wings lifting upward, his gaze like an arrow shooting into
the heavens? The red wound pours into the Cup of Darkness, and he is received
BUILDING." For those of us who have experienced this revelatory
transmission with Elvis in person, no more need be said.
"That Elvis, man he’s all there is. There ain’t no more.
Everything starts and ends with him.....it was like he came along and whispered
some dream in everybody’s ear, and somehow we all dreamed it." -
Bruce Springsteen
more on Greek statues
resembling Elvis
read Susan MacDougall's marvelous article
Elvis Presley - Hero With A Thousand Faces
Elvis as Rex Mundi - King of the
see also Hero
of the Ages Desktop Wallpaper